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At what age can you join?How to add "Frequently Asked Questions": 1. Open dashboard or editor 2. Add new question and answer 3. Assign FAQs to categories 4. Save and publish You can edit the FAQ at any time.
Where do you mainly work? Also, where are most schools located?We do ask for help with transportation for expeditions, etc., but it is not compulsory. In addition, tea duty was abolished in 2020.
Are there guardians on duty?We do ask for help with transportation for expeditions, etc., but it is not compulsory. In addition, tea duty was abolished in 2020.
What are your teaching policies and coaches?We do ask for help with transportation for expeditions, etc., but it is not compulsory. In addition, tea duty was abolished in 2020.
Can girls enter?We do ask for help with transportation for expeditions, etc., but it is not compulsory. In addition, tea duty was abolished in 2020.
What is the activity fee?We cover activity costs by paying 1,500 yen per month every six months. Year/18,000 yen. Activity expenses are reported once a year and processed in the general account. Events such as training camps, BBQs, and Christmas parties are treated as special accounts, which are settled and operated each time.
Can I park my car or bicycle?You can only use the parking space at the back gate of Shin-Matsudo Minami Elementary School (on the school grounds). Please stop from the back (from the school children). Also, please turn off your idling when parking or parking. Please park your bicycles in a line near the entrance in front of the school children. Please note that you are solely responsible for any accidents or property damage that occur on school grounds.
Where is the AED?Please be sure to check the location of the AED in advance. Please check the facility address, evacuation route, and AED location before using the facility. It is installed at the entrance behind the morning assembly table on the schoolyard side. You are permitted to enter the school building by breaking the entrance. Human life comes first. Don't panic, stay calm and deal with it.
What is the facility opening project?From 2020, Matsudo City will open a total of 45 elementary schools and 20 junior high schools in the city, with the aim of improving the physical strength, promoting health, and healthy development of young people, as well as promoting and improving local community activities. The operation of 65 schools has been changed to a school facility opening project to the extent that it does not interfere with school education. We, the Little Bears, regularly use the school grounds of Shin-Matsudo Minami Elementary School, which is part of our project. The project is operated by the Matsudo City Board of Education (mainly the Sports Division), Shin-Matsudo Minami Elementary School, and the Shin-Matsudo Minami Elementary School Facility Opening Committee. Depending on the school, from 9:00 to 21:00 on Saturdays, Sundays, and school holidays. This project allows only the gymnasium to be used on weekday nights (only during times that do not interfere with school), and is operated annually, and the organizations using it are obligated to hold and operate a general meeting at least once a year. there is.
練習中にモノを壊したり、ガラスを割ってしまったらどうなりますか?私たちのチームでは、入団いただいたお子様は、必ず全員保険に加入しますのでご安心下さい。 保険適用範囲でカバーしています。 例えば、学校のガラスを割ってしまった場合。 学校授業の妨げにならないように当日の原状復帰が必要となりますが、ガラスの交換費用などは一時的に立替は必要となります。 後日、保険求償を行い、算定額をまってお支払いいたします。 復旧の手配はすみやかに代表、監督、該当者にて責任をもって行っていただきます。 1.ガラスの原状復帰手配を当事者より行ってください。 ※週末、祝日でも、当日中に復旧できるよう対応 2.現状復帰手配完了後、当事者はチーム代表へ連絡し、施設開放委員会長へ代表より報告する必要があります。 施設開放委員会長は、学校へ報告義務がありますので日時、原因、場所、ケガの有無を報告できるようお願い致します。 3.学校の指示を確認し、承諾を得て復旧するため、時間調整が必要な場合があります。
If you would like to visit or experience our team, contact us in advance to ensure a smooth experience.
When your child is participating in the experience, please come to the grounds wearing clothes that are easy to move in and that you don't mind getting dirty, comfortable sports shoes, a water bottle, and a towel.
・Gloves and bats can be borrowed.
・Parking, bicycle parking, and restrooms are available.
・Visits and experiences are free
Children often feel anxious when doing something for the first time. While having the courage to start something new is important, I believe that the ability to persevere is also important. We provide an environment where children can fall in love with baseball, so please feel free to come visit us.
We look forward to seeing you at the Grand.
LINEID: littlebearsmitooka Tel: 090-1695-3917 Email:
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