Matsudo City Youth Softball Federation
women's baseball
What is the origin of the team name "ORANGEALS"?
The sun plays a major role in the birth of human life.
I believe that the ideal for us humans is to be grateful to the sun and live like the sun, round, bright, prosperous, smiling and energetic.
Orange (English) is also a "symbol of the sun".
On the other hand, what is necessary to play baseball is ``enthusiasm, enthusiasm, and enthusiasm.''I think of it as a strong feeling, and the word (English) that expresses it is Zeal.
Our team name is ``Oranzeals,'' a coined word from ``orange'' and ``zeal,'' reflecting this desire.
It also represents the strength of the team's unity and bond, including the players, parents, and staff, and at times, it shows the strength of the team's unity and bond.We will continue to take on challenges in a flexible manner, so we look forward to your support, encouragement, and participation.
Baseball is a sport that allows you to expand your connections with people.
By playing against other teams and elementary school students from a wide area, you can create a new environment and create new friends. The smiles and handshakes exchanged after playing together will be memories that will last a lifetime.
Hello, elementary school girls in Matsudo City! Would you like to become a baseball girl?
Please tell us at the ground what kind of sports you like and what dreams and goals you have. We, the coaches, sincerely support everyone's success.
Little Bears Representative
30代 母の声
40代 母の声
40代 父の声